NO water, NO life
Bobeica Celestina – 10G
The 22nd of March might mean nothing to many of us, but it is indeed a special day. It’s the international day of water, a resource so precious to mankind and all the livings. From a biological standpoint, water has many distinct properties that are critical for the proliferation of life that set it apart from other substances. Water is an essential and central element in our life. We use it for drinking (so do the animals), in agriculture (plants use it in photosynthesis and respiration), industry, food processing, as a scientific standard and in recreation. The lack of it leads to a global crisis, because water is a strategic resource in the globe and an important element in many political conflicts. It causes health impacts and damage to biodiversity. The total amount of water on Earth is limited and not renewable and because this resource is becoming scarcer in many regions of the world, people start to care about water and its protection. But how do we value access to pure water and how can we cooperate? Nowadays, more and more people tend to adopt green ideologies and encourage mass-interest towards natural resources. So did a few students in our College, who got together with the teachers Tatiana Rizan and Florin Zgavardici and organized an activity to support the “World Water Day”?! within an international project called “Water for Life”, in which several schools in the Arabic countries and from Europe cooperate in studying the shrinking availability of drinking water worldwide. Students captivated by science and the natural world made displays with information on the water resource, suggestive drawings, read poems, brought forward solutions for the problematic of water, they did a water quality and quantity monitoring and caring programme and took photos. They surely caught the attention of others, as a group of students and teachers gathered to tackle themselves on the matter. The students who were part of the project got rewarded with the “supreme 10” for their involvement and interest. To be ignorant and not to care is one of the biggest enemy of man, because leads to stupidity. “If I’m not for myself, who is for me? But if I’m only for myself, who am I? And if not now, when?” The project “Water for Life” wants us to cooperate around common rivers and watersheds and to be aware that water is not forever and for all and to recognize its true .
Activitatea/proiectul |
Proiect UNESCO – Life Link Friendship Scools „Cultura implicarii” |
1. |
Perioada în care s-a derulat |
Octombrie 2007 –august 2008 |
2. |
Grup ţintă şi beneficiari, la nivelul parteneriatului |
Toti elevii claselor a IX-a si elevii clasei a VII-a ,parintii,comunitatea ,tara- 50 de scoli europene ,scoli din Australia si America |
3. |
Coordonator |
In CNVA prin Cornelia Negrut |
4. |
Obiective |
Educatie pentru nonviolenta si conservare a resurselor naturale |
5. |
Ariile curriculare implicate |
Psihologie,geografie,chimie ,fizica,consiliere scolara (dirigentie) |
6. |
Produsele finale si rezultatele obţinute şi gradul lor de utilizare concretă la nivelul parteneriatului, al instituţiei şi în afara acesteia |
-educatie pentru pace prin colaborare internationala spre rezolvarea unor probeleme globale (teroristi,consumul in exces a resurselor naturale), nr de ore 12 de dirigentie participare la conferinta de Petra -Iordania |
7. |
Metodele de evaluare si de diseminare folosite |
-chestionare si studii individuale |
8. |
Impactul (asupra instituţiei, personalului şcolii, elevilor, părinţilor, comunităţii locale, etc.) |
-rezultatele din CNVA considerate cele mai relevante din Romania (din cele 5 licee) ; toti elevii implicati ,parinti si cunostintele lor stiu in ce activitati exista consumul cel mai mare de apa si modalitatile de reducere a acestuia |
9. |
Caracterul inovator |
-chestionarele concepute reprezinta informatiile statisica total noua la nivelul tuturor tarilor participante si la nivel UNESCO |
10. |
Sustenabilitatea activităţilor desfăşurate şi rezultatelor obţinute la nivel instituţional şi la nivelul parteneriatului |
-prin implicarea elevilor din colegiu si modul de prezentare al rezulattelor studiului si opinie elevilor proiectul se va aplica la nivele UNESCo in urmatorii 3 ani ,iar colegiul a fost din nou selectat pentru participare |